Written Word

The Lord’s Supper (an 8-part study)

The Lord’s Supper – Part 1

The Lord's time with his apostles was coming to an end, the fulfillment of his purpose on earth was fast approaching, and he still had much to share with them. Their last evening together would be memorable. "Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover...

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The Lord’s Supper – Part 2

Many of us look back on our school days and rate history as one of the more boring subjects we had to study. If you happened to be one of those unfortunates, could I ask you to indulge for a short time in a history lesson about the Passover? I think you'll be blessed...

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The Lord’s Supper – Part 3

Israel's deliverance from bondage in Egypt provides the backdrop against which the Lord's Supper was instituted: "While they were eating [the Passover meal], Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my...

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The Lord’s Supper – Part 4

According to the apostle Paul, the Sunday service in the first century church in Corinth was chaotic. Before we see why, let's be reminded about the origin of this particular church of God. This community came into existence through the ministry of the Apostle Paul....

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The Lord’s Supper – Part 5

The behaviour of the believers in Corinth when they gathered on Sunday to worship the Lord was deplorable. Their "love feast" was anything but loving and their holy communion was anything but holy – so much so that Paul said, "your meetings do more harm than good." (1...

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