How should we who are Christians live our daily lives? “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1).
The impact of Paul’s instruction will be lost if attention is not paid to the word ‘Therefore’ which prefaces his remarks. He is saying, ‘On the basis of all that I have said, this is how you are to live.’
What is it that he has said? A major part of his epistle has been devoted to extolling the mercy, grace and love of God, who provided the perfect saviour though the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the certainty of our acceptance by God is based not on what we do but, on what Christ has done for us. On that basis Paul says, ‘I urge you.’
Living sacrifices. Because of God’s mercy we are to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing unto God – this is our spiritual act of worship. How do we do this?
Begin your day in prayer telling God that today you are offering him your body as a living, holy sacrifice – your ears, your eyes, your tongue, your mind, your motives, your actions, etc. Say something like this: ‘Lord today I give myself to you. Everything I do I offer to you as a holy sacrifice. Help me to be aware, alert, conscious that my life is being offered in worship to you. Help me to keep my life pure so that I do not offend you with a polluted sacrifice. I consecrate everything I do today to you Lord.’ This is not a magic formula but a conscious effort to be aware that what you are doing is worshipping God with a living, holy sacrifice. Through all that we do, say and think we are offering God ‘spiritual sacrifices’ (1 Peter 2:5).