Frustration with God is expressed in the writings of some of the ancient prophets. It surfaces in the life of the prophet Habakkuk. It's amazing to me that God allows man to vent his frustration and make serious allegations against him. Listen to Habakkuk: "How long,...
Habakkuk – Part 2
Those who have mistreated the poor, stolen from the weak, engaged in extortion and practiced idolatry will not escape God's judgement. "The cup from the Lord's right hand is coming around to you" is the message addressed to Israel. (Habakkuk 2:16) Earlier Habakkuk...
Amos – Part 1
The ministry of Amos took place about 25 years before the ten northern tribes of Israel were taken captive by Assyria. They resembled ripened fruit waiting to be picked since they "rejected the law of the Lord" and sold "the needy for a pair of sandals; they...
Amos – Part 2
During the time of the prophet Amos, Israel had become a wicked nation. Yet they hadn't abandoned the practice of their religious duties. Their corrupt behaviour, however, rendered their worship an offence to Almighty God. "I hate, I despise your religious feasts,"...
Micah, like the other prophets of his time, warned Israel about the judgement that was coming because they had turned away from God. Their idolatrous practices had earned them "the wages of prostitutes". (Micah 1:7) Their unfaithfulness incites the emotions of God: he...