When I look at the direction in which the world is going, I do not feel optimistic and I find no solace when I see the emerging new society in Ireland that is more and more tolerant of what offends God. Moral boundaries, of thought and action are being moved or...
The Beatitudes – Part 2: The Poor in Spirit
The poor Jesus is referring to in Matthew 5:3 are not those who live in material poverty for there is no virtue in poverty itself. Furthermore, Jesus is not endorsing poverty as a superior way of life. The poor are not more favoured by God than others, though God...
The Beatitudes – Part 3: Those Who Mourn
Jesus is not addressing those who mourn the loss of a loved one in Matthew 5:4. Bereavement is not the point, rather it is mourning because of sin - our sin and the sins of others. This beatitude follows from the previous one, which speaks of our impoverished state...
The Beatitudes – Part 4: The Meek
Meekness is generally not associated with someone of strong character, but with someone who is weak and timid instead, someone who will bow to pressure. This is the very opposite of the true meaning of the word Jesus used when he said, "Blessed are the meek." (Matthew...
The Beatitudes – Part 5: Those Who Hunger and Thirst
To hunger and thirst after righteousness is far more than desiring to be good. A pagan can desire to be good, to be a caring, to look out for others, but Jesus disciples hunger and thirst after righteousness. The righteousness we pursue is not the legalistic...
The Beatitudes – Part 6: Blessed Are the Merciful
There is a shift in emphasis in this beatitude: What we have seen so far has been inward looking poverty of spirit, mourning for our sins, etc. Jesus now speaks of the disciples' attitude and behaviour towards others. This beatitude is outward looking. "Blessed are...
The Beatitudes – Part 7: Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
We should approach this beatitude with a sense of awe and wonder knowing that one day we will see God. This blessed privilege will not have transpired through our own achievements, no matter how noble and honourable our efforts have been, but through the gracious love...
The Beatitudes – Part 9: Blessed Are the Persecuted
Jesus never promised his disciples an easy life, but he did promise them life. He never concealed the dangers involved in following him; in fact, on occasions he seemed to be discouraging people by telling them the personal cost they would pay for being numbered among...
The Beatitudes – Part 8: Blessed Are the Peacemakers
"Blessed are the peacemakers," Jesus said, "for they will be called sons of God." (Matthew 5:9) This beatitude, if isolated from the rest of scripture, could be used in a manner never intended by the Lord. Jesus is not presenting a formula on how to become sons of...