
Signs and Wonders (a 5-part study)

Signs and Wonders: False or Genuine? – Part 1

Counterfeit products are a major problem for manufacturers such as Nike, Puma, Samsonite, etc. The counterfeit product is so well made that most buyers accept it as the genuine article. Only a trained eye can detect the difference between the counterfeit and the...

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Signs and Wonders: False or Genuine? – Part 2

The Bible has much to say about deception by false prophets, signs and wonders. Our safeguard against being led astray is to have our faith anchored in the living Word of God. A Warning About False Prophets Throughout history God has communicated his will to his...

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Signs and Wonders: False or Genuine? – Part 3

Jesus said that within the kingdom of God there exist "wheat and tares" and "sheep and goats." There are genuine and counterfeit Christians, as well as genuine and counterfeit doctrine and genuine and counterfeit signs and wonders. Since the possibility of being...

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Signs and Wonders: False or Genuine? – Part 4

There is no doubt that God wants us to live pure lives and has provided divine power for that purpose. Then why do we fail so often? If God is so powerful why as we doing so badly? Since sins of a sexual nature are pleasurable, we must ask ourselves if we really want...

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Signs and Wonders: False or Genuine? – Part 5

The presence of miracles in the early church is undeniable. Yet miracles were not the norm; they were the exception. In the entire Bible we see miracles occurring only occasionally. Over the centuries clusters of them are found and they attracted attention because...

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